Sunday, March 15, 2009

This could be interesting

[Edited now with what actually happened, since I probably won't get to a real blog post until at least tonight, possibly Sunday night. Edits in blue]

In the great positive feedback loop that is blogging, Yodaobi, inspired by Mim, inspired Mim to write a 2 week schedule (one just gone, one pending). Because I'm a joiner, and Sunday evening seems a sensible time for it, I'm doing it too.

It's a little scary, it might make my whinging look even more pathetic.

Last week:

Mon: Take Ben to school. Look after Elissa and work. Do pre-work for uni prac. Pick Ben & friend up from school and take them to gymnastics. (Friend's mum takes them home.) Drive to Macquarie Uni (park in Mac Centre - loving the 3 hour parking regime). Read text book with a cup of tea. Prac. Home, dinner, more work. Bed presumably - don't remember.

Tue: Homework. Take Ben to school and do computers with his class for an hour. Work. Pick up Charlie from pre-school at 12:20pm for eye appointment at Randwick. Get home 5:40pm. Dinner, baths and bedtime. Bottle of wine with Crash, because work stress has subsided enough to allow civility again.

Wed: Homework. Take Ben to school. Take little ones food shopping and buy a new helmet for Charlie. Work and look after little ones. Trivia with friends.

Thur: Homework. Crash leaves. Take Charlie & Elissa to day care, then Ben to school. Work. Try to find dining room under electronics factory. Pick up Charlie & Elissa, then Ben. Dinner, baths and bedtime. Listen to half of last week's lecture. Read a bit of the text book. Bed at sensible hour.

Fri: Homework. Take Charlie & Elissa to day care, then Ben to school. Hair dresser. Utter disaster. Josh Pyke.

Sat: 7:30am leave the house for swimming. Get back early for an insane 45 minutes of showering and changing and finding sunscreen etc for Sound Relief. Sound Relief, punctuated by work (took up all of Architecture in Helsinki). Work succeeds. Barry Gibb doesn't.

Sun: Decide to sleep in. Elissa doesn't. Do a full request breakfast. Blog a bit. Do massive grocery shop with 3 kids. Eat at mall because 6 year old demands fruit salad. Seems petty to say no. Bring groceries home and pack away. Head to Bicentennial park. Good stuff. Head home to get 3 loads of washing that were out for yesterday's storms in before a repeat performance (can't remember where getting them washed and out there was in the schedule). Half of it is still wet. Hang out next two loads. Dinner, baths and bedtime. Clean kitchen (poorly). Going to bed as soon as this is done.

And as for next week:

Mon: Take Charlie to pre-school, then Ben to school. Go to Aldi, return to car to find it won't start. Wait for NRMA. Get car hot wired and go to mechanic, do not pass Go, DO NOT turn off the engine. Work and look after Elissa. Try to work out what to do about uni prac that I can't make for the next two weeks. Discover this is not actually a drama, wonder why they can't write this minor detail down. Pick Charlie up from pre-school. Pick Ben & friend up from school and take them to gymnastics. Half of homework at gymnastics. Dinner, baths and bedtime. Uni work.

Tue: Other half of homework. Take Elissa to daycare, Charlie to pre-school and then Ben to school. Clock it, this is a 14km round trip! Computers. Work and hopefully find the lounge room under all the rubble. Nope Pick Charlie up from pre-school. Pick Ben up from school. Pick Elissa up from daycare. Might aim for homework. Dinner, baths and bedtime. Uni work. Make brownies for cake day.

Wed: Take Ben to school (with brownies). Work and look after little ones. Clean lots of the house so as to retain some kind of sanity. Specialist appointment with little ones in tow. Cook dinner slightly in advance for family and friend who is babysitting. P&C meeting. Some serious chin wagging with valiant babysitting friend. (No, didn't forget Ben - he's off to friend's house and walks home from there.) All this interspersed with multiple phone calls from Singapore, including during P&C meeting. Not so much chin wagging, mostly work.

Thur: Homework. Take Charlie & Elissa to day care, then Ben to school. Probably work. Dunno, anybody got a better offer? :) Almost got Ben to school and got phone call from customer. Ended up in the city until 12:30pm fixing another company's fault. Eat lunch, go to uni prac. Shop. Pick up Charlie & Elissa, then Ben. Dinner, baths and bedtime. Housework/uni work depending on which is causing most stress. Actually tried to fix massive work disaster. Did, but it was 10pm. So much for dinner, didn't eat.

Fri: Homework. Take Charlie & Elissa to day care, then Ben to school (don't forget orange shirt).
Work. Quiet day. Lots of uni work, bit of cleaning, some actual work. Starting to get a little desperate for adult, non-work company. Pick up Charlie & Elissa, then Ben. Dinner, baths and bedtime. 2 bottles of wine.

Sat: 7:30am leave the house for swimming. McDonalds for breakfast. Hoping to catch up with Toni over the weekend. Kids barracking for a sleep over. Hopefully will have discussed with Toni by then.

Sun: Be intensely jealous of husband en route to Tokyo. Possibly other stuff. Possibly shutting kids in separate cupboards, swallowing much codeine and taking to my bed.

I dunno. Not so crazy mostly. Maybe the devil's in the detail. Maybe I'm just a whinger. :)


  1. It's all the coming and going that's such a killer. Yours looks much worse than mine in that respect, especially considering that I don't have to bundle them all into the car for each of the take a kid somewhere trips, those not involved in the activity stay home on their own.

    I'd say any whinging is entirely justifiable.

  2. There's an award waiting for you over at my place :)

  3. I agree with Mim, I'd be worried if you did't whinge. That's a pretty full on schedule! If you don't mind I might feature this 'what's you week like' on my next blog entry.

  4. Thanks guys, makes me feel a little less pathetic. It just shouldn't be as common a schedule as I suspect it is.

    Aztec-rose: sure, go ahead. :)
