Monday, June 16, 2008

I was too dumb for the other one

I looked at Jay's and Mim's Book Quiz results, so of course I did it. I did it twice, changing one of my answers the second time because I couldn't make up my mind what the answer was the first time. Both times I failed to understand the result or how it connected to my answers. So I went and found another quiz.

You're the University of California, Berkeley!

A true hippy, you really wish you could spend the rest of your life in the 1960's. It's not that you haven't been able to settle down and be quite successful, but you yearn for the days of agitation and revolution. You're fond of the old comic Bloom County, as well as the more recent Outland. The rest of your life looks like a struggle between your prestige and your radical nature. You really like those cheap Sathers candies.

Take the University Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Still don't understand it, but somehow I could relate more to this. I don't know how much of a hippy I am, but I'm pretty sure I am not Lolita....


  1. Bwahahahah! A hippy Lolita perhaps? No, that's just so wrong - forget I said that....

  2. I am Wellesley college. The blurb says I have a secret desire to be a minister (?)

  3. I got Berkeley too. Now I want to know what the cheap Sathers candies are like....
