Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tired and sticky

Today started badly. We woke up at 7:25am, which is too late to get 3 kids to Homebush swimming pool by 8:30am. At 7:27am, there was a knock on the door. I had pants on, but was still putting a shirt on as I ran down the stairs to open the door to the P&C president who was coming to pick up our enormous esky (bought for Carols in the Domain) to hold sausages for the school's Gala day. Local government elections were held today, an obvious fundraising opportunity.

It was improved no end by getting two cars to the pool and discovering that between us we had only brought one of the two swimming bags. Crash had to go home to get it. On the plus side, all the swimmers were with us, only towels and clothing were missing, so everyone got to their lessons. Unfortunately, my schedule only allowed for 30 minutes at the pool, but Crash couldn't possibly get home and back in 30 minutes...

So I was late to get to the school for the gelato delivery. Thankfully the P&C president is a much better mother than me, and took over for me. I arrived as they were setting up. I then sold gelato from 10am to 4:30pm, with about an hour and half off in the middle chasing the two older boys around the school.

The ultimate irony is that I couldn't actually vote at the polling place I was at all day, and when they finally took the gelato away, I had to go to another school to vote. I'm sure you know how much effort I put into voting. I sincerely hope the Greens know what to do with my preferences, because I sure as hell didn't...

So now I am buggered, and sticky. Bloody hard way to make $300 if you ask me.


  1. Holy FSM, I don't think I'd survive a day like that. That's an awfully long shift selling gelato.

    At our last P&C meeting the question of running a BBQ on election day was raised. We all kind of looked at each other and went "nah can't be bothered". I think we offered the opportunity to the local sporting clubs, but as far as I know no-one took it up.

    Adam and I were in much the same boat as you with the voting, thank goodness for how to vote handouts.

  2. Mama mia, I don't know how you survived a day like that, but it really is a poster story for the difficulities of work life family balance. What constantly amazes me, is the dedication of mums like you to family - school causes - that really go unrecognised. However, having just returned from a short stint in Milan, Gelato is really quite a worthy cause.
